The secret to a successful microbiological or chemical analysis, which will lead to the right conclusions, is a well-designed and executed sampling. In addition an accurate labeling of samples and the appropriate handling of each sample from the time of sampling until delivery to the laboratory is an important requirement.

The laboratory PTA Food Lab & Nutritional Services LTD has the expertise and the necessary accessory materials to achieve every time the scientific manipulation of each sampling.

The method of sampling and the quantity of the sample depends on the type and the purpose of analysis.

Sampling can take place from every point in Cyprus after consultation with the company’s staff or by the customer (take all the appropriate instructions from the laboratory).

The laboratory takes samples of:

  • Food
  • Water (drinking, bottled, drilling, sea and swimming pools)
  • Animal feed
  • Waste water
  • Cosmetics
  • Surfaces
  • Air
  • Packaging Materials
  • Soil
  • Plant Tissue
  • Building materials (aggregates)
  • Different stages of primary production